Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh!!OohLal@!! =)

Hello there, Im here to update my blog AgAiN!! haha.. Well, today's Tuesday, having prefect duty early in the morning. So boring to stand at the gate there and greet those who totally thought that we're transparent, they cant see us at all.. maybe we are transparent, or maybe our 'Morning' wasn't loud enough, haha.. WeLL, or MAYBE they're deaf!! =X just kidding.. I was just wondering why dont they smile back to us, and we're not even asking the word 'Morning' back from some of you ( cos we knew that its kind of an impossible task =P). LOL. And I've sitted for Chinese exam today, Hmm.. 4 hours on-going paper. Oh Gosh, my hands were so tired!! And, me n my parents had our dinner at 'Poh Kwong Park', one of the new coffee shop, and funny thing happened. When the food were being served to our table, a family behind us stopped the waitress and asked,:' Why do their food comes before ours?! I tot we arrived first?!!' and then their daughter stared at us or maybe not at us, but our food. I was like..==" '..'Oh well, I knew you reached there first, but we ordered earlier through phone!! WTF!! Are you really that hungry? or you aren't happy bcos you didn't know that there's a thing in this world called " HANDPHONE"?!! LOL.. FUNNY but quite annoyed by this kind of people. Hah.. that's all from me today, my BLOG IS FULL TODAY!! Heheh =) Have a nice day people.. =)

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