Friday, October 22, 2010

Report cards!

My results were so bad this time! OMG! Damn it! Teacher didn't complain anything about me.. yeah! Thank God! BUT.. my family members scolded me together once we reached home! They asked me to quit prefect! TwH?! == for all of my hard works, and at last you offered me to quit?!! No way! It Doesn't even worth it! shit! Listen up, I say 'Im not gonna quit yeah'! From now onward, I must reduce n control my time on playing fb(play it only during weekends or when necessary), its a must, for my own sack! And increase the time on study! Results suck! but there's force that pushes me soo hard right after i saw my result! The force asked me to study hard in order to change to a better class next year! It reminded me on how important my SPM and my future are! My future is now on my own hand path, no one else can control it besides my own self! So, I must do well in the pra-semester examination! MUST! It taught me never take my result for granted! I had learned a hard lesson and never ever gonna repeat the same thing over again! God Bless!! =)

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